The Twilight Zone is an American media franchise based on the anthology television series created by Rod Serling. The episodes are in various genres, including fantasy, science fiction, absurdism, dystopian fiction, suspense, horror, supernatural drama, black comedy, and psychological thriller, often concluding with a macabre or unexpected twist, and usually with a moral. A popular and critical success, it introduced many Americans to common science fiction and fantasy tropes. The first series, shot entirely in black and white, ran on CBS for five seasons from 1959 to 1964. The Twilight Zone followed in the tradition of earlier television shows such as Tales of Tomorrow and Science Fiction Theatre; radio programs such as The Weird Circle, Dimension X and X Minus One; and the radio work of one of Serling's inspirations, Norman Corwin.
Creator | Rod Serling |
Original work | The Twilight Zone (1959 TV series) |
Books | Twilight Zone: 19 Original Stories on the 50th Anniversary |
Films | Twilight Zone: The Movie |
Television series | First series (1959–64), Second series (1985–89), Third series (2002–03), Fourth series (2019–pres.) |
Traditional | Twilight Zone pinball machine |
Radio programs | The Twilight Zone radio dramas |
Original music | Marius Constant (composer) |
Theme park attraction | The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror |
關於The Twilight Zone
Genre-blending anthology series with each episode featuring characters dealing with paranormal, futuristic, Kafkaesque and other unusual events. It won two Emmy Awards for Outstanding Writing Achievement in Drama as well as a Golden Globe.
The Twilight Zone的成就
The show was created by Rod Serling. Serling also served as the show's narrator, executive producer and head writer. The series was revived in 1985 and 2002, and was greenlit for a reboot in 2017 with Jordan Peele attached.
您不知道JThe Twilight Zone的熱門事實
The Twilight Zone Category.. Dell Comics titles.. Gold Key Comics titles.. Thriller television series.. Television franchises.. American horror fiction television series.. American mystery television series.. Television series by MGM Television.. Television series by 20th Century Fox Television.