The Willis Family is an American reality television show about a musical family that aired on TLC in 2015 and 2016. The show follows a family of 14 from Nashville, Tennessee, demonstrating their musical and dancing skills while "sharing... talents and balancing a life at home". The family of entertainers, known onstage as The Willis Clan, reached the quarter finals of season 9 of America's Got Talent. Parents Toby and Brenda Willis have 12 children – eight girls and four boys. The show was cancelled on September 11, 2016, following the arrest of Toby Willis on four counts of child rape.
Genre | Reality television |
Starring | The Willis Family |
Opening theme | "100 Times Better With You" |
Composer(s) | The Willis Clan |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 2 |
No. of episodes | 13 |
Location(s) | Nashville, TN |
Camera setup | Multiple |
Production company(s) | Figure 8 Films, Heart Bridge Media |
Original network | TLC |
Picture format | 480i (SDTV), 1080i (HDTV) |
關於The Willis Family
This show follows the daily lives of a family of 14. The show ran for two seasons and aired a total of 16 episodes.
The Willis Family的成就
The Willis family made it to the quarter-finals of season 9 of America's Got Talent. The show was cancelled after Toby Willis was arrested in 2016.
您不知道JThe Willis Family的熱門事實
Television series about families.