White Famous is an American comedy television series starring Jay Pharoah, based on the life of Jamie Foxx, which aired on Showtime from October 15, 2017 until December 10, 2017. It is co-created by Tom Kapinos, Chris Spencer and Buddy Lewis, directed by Tim Story and Foxx, who will also be a recurring guest star. On December 29, 2017, the series was canceled after one season.
Genre | Comedy |
Created by | Tom Kapinos, Chris Spencer, Buddy Lewis |
Starring | Jay Pharoah |
Composer(s) | Dhani Harrison, Paul Hicks |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 1 |
No. of episodes | 10 |
Executive producer(s) | Jamie Foxx, Jamie King, Tom Kapinos, Tim Story |
Camera setup | Single-camera |
Running time | 30 minutes |
Production company(s) | Aggressive Mediocrity, Inc, Foxxhole Productions, Lionsgate Television |
Distributor | Showtime Networks |
Original network | Showtime |
關於White Famous
A young comedian rises through the ranks of the stand-up community on the verge of breaking out. Jamie Foxx would serve as one of the executive producers.
White Famous的成就
The series is set in the same universe as creator Tom Kapinos' previous Showtime series Californication, and would even feature some secondary characters from the show.
您不知道JWhite Famous的熱門事實
Television series by Lionsgate Television.