Ten Little Roosters is an American comedy mystery web series created, directed and written by Josh Flanagan. It premiered on Rooster Teeth's website on November 4, 2014, with a total of 8 episodes. Each episode is uploaded to Rooster Teeth's YouTube channel a day after its release on the Rooster Teeth website. The show featured an interactive murder mystery component and is inspired by Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None. A semi-sequel series, The Eleven Little Roosters, debuted on January 16, 2017.
Genre | Comedy, Mystery |
Created by | Josh Flanagan |
Starring | Burnie Burns, Chris Demarais, Barbara Dunkelman, Adam Ellis, Gavin Free, Ryan Haywood, Lindsay Jones, Michael Jones, Miles Luna, Gus Sorola |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of episodes | 8 |
Producer(s) | Burnie Burns, Matt Hullum |
Location(s) | Austin, Texas |
Running time | 5–10 minutes |
Distributor | Rooster Teeth (2014–present) |
Original network | YouTube, Rooster Teeth |
Followed by | The Eleven Little Roosters |
關於Ten Little Roosters
Mystery series set over the course of one night at a Rooster Teeth banquet in which the guests are murdered one-by-one as described by a poem called Ten Little Roosters.
Ten Little Roosters的成就
The show was created, directed and written by Josh Flanagan. It was inspired by Agatha Christie's novel And Then There Were None. It spawned a semi-sequel series called The Eleven Little Roosters.
您不知道JTen Little Roosters的熱門事實
Rooster Teeth.