Alvin and the Chipmunks, originally David Seville and the Chipmunks or simply the Chipmunks, are an American animated virtual band created by Ross Bagdasarian for a novelty record in 1958. The group consists of three singing animated anthropomorphic chipmunks: Alvin; Simon; and Theodore. The trio is managed by their human adoptive father, David Seville. The voices of the group were all performed by Bagdasarian, who sped up the playback to create high-pitched squeaky voices. This oft-used process was not entirely new to Bagdasarian, who had also used it for two previous novelty songs, including "Witch Doctor", but it was so unusual and well-executed it earned the record two Grammy Awards for engineering. Bagdasarian, performing as the Chipmunks, released a long line of albums and singles, with "The Chipmunk Song" becoming a number-one single in the United States.
Origin | California, United States |
Genres | Pop, Rock and roll, Children, Christmas music |
Years active | 1958–1972, 1979–present |
Labels | Capitol, RCA, Atlantic, MCA, Columbia |
Associated acts | The Chipettes |
Members | Alvin Seville, Simon Seville, Theodore Seville |
Giới thiệu về Alvin and the Chipmunks
The first film in the franchise focuses on a songwriter who hits it big when he discovers three singing chipmunks. The characters are based on the characters of the same name created by Ross Bagdasarian Sr.
Thành tựu & Danh hiệu của Alvin and the Chipmunks
Several actors were offered the role of Dave including Chevy Chase and Bill Murray, but the role eventually went to Jason Lee.
Top sự thật mà bạn không biết về Alvin and the Chipmunks
Alvin and the Chipmunks Category.. American novelty song performers.. American children's musical groups.. Recorded music characters.. Fictional dancers.. Animated musical groups.. Fictional chipmunks.. Parody musicians.. Fictional musical groups.. Fictional trios.. Fictional musicians.. Liberty Records artists.. Fictional singers.. Fictional adoptees.. Family musical groups.. MCA Records artists.. RCA Records artists.. Capitol Records artists.
Thông tin về Alvin and the Chipmunks cập nhật ngày 28 tháng 7 năm 2021.