My Neighbors the Yamadas is a 1999 Japanese animated comedy film written and directed by Isao Takahata, animated by Studio Ghibli for Tokuma Shoten, Nippon Television Network, Hakuhodo and Buena Vista Home Entertainment, and distributed by Shochiku. It is based on the yonkoma manga Nono-chan by Hisaichi Ishii. The film stars Hayato Isobata, Masako Araki, Naomi Uno, Touru Masuoka, Yukiji Asaoka, Akiko Yano, and Kosanji Yanagiya. Unlike the other films of Studio Ghibli, the film is presented in a stylized comic strip aesthetic, a departure from the traditional anime style of the studio's other works.
Đạo diễn | Isao Takahata |
Produced by | Toshio Suzuki |
Screenplay by | Isao Takahata |
Starring | Hayato Isobata, Masako Araki, Naomi Uno, Touru Masuoka |
Music | Akiko Yano |
Cinematography | Atsushi Okui |
Edited by | Takeshi Seyama |
Production, company | Studio Ghibli |
Distributed by | Shochiku |
Released | July 17, 1999 |
Running time | 104 minutes |
Country | Japan |
Language | Japanese |
Budget | ¥2 billion, ($15.27 million) |
Box office | ¥ 1.56 billion, (US$ 11.91 million) |
Netflix ID | 70035035 |
Giới thiệu về My Neighbors the Yamadas
Japanese animated film following the daily lives of the Yamada family. It was the first Studio Ghibli film to have animation drawings painted entirely on computers.
Thành tựu & Danh hiệu của My Neighbors the Yamadas
The soundtrack featured classical pieces played by the Czech Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra.
Top sự thật mà bạn không biết về My Neighbors the Yamadas
Hisaichi Ishii.. Films directed by Isao Takahata.. Studio Ghibli animated films.. Shochiku films.. Films set in Japan.. Animated comedy films.. Films about dysfunctional families.
Thông tin về My Neighbors the Yamadas cập nhật ngày 28 tháng 7 năm 2021.