Superhero Movie is a 2008 American superhero parody film written and directed by Craig Mazin, produced by Robert K. Weiss and David Zucker, and starring Drake Bell, Sara Paxton, Christopher McDonald, and Leslie Nielsen. It was originally titled Superhero! as a nod to one of the Zuckers' previous films, Airplane!, in which Nielsen also starred. A spoof of the superhero film genre, primarily Sam Raimi's Spider-Man and Christopher Nolan's Batman Begins, as well as other modern-day comic book film adaptations, the film follows in the footsteps of the Scary Movie series of comedies, with which the film's poster shares a resemblance. It was also inspired by, and contains homages to, some of Zucker, Abrahams and Zucker's earlier spoof films such as Airplane! and The Naked Gun. Production began on September 17, 2007, in Los Angeles.
Đạo diễn | Craig Mazin |
Produced by | Robert K. Weiss, David Zucker |
Writer(s) | Craig Mazin |
Starring | Drake Bell, Sara Paxton, Christopher McDonald, Kevin Hart, Brent Spiner, Jeffrey Tambor, Robert Joy, Regina Hall, Pamela Anderson, Leslie Nielsen |
Music | James L. Venable |
Cinematography | Thomas E. Ackerman |
Edited by | Andrew S. Eisen, Craig Herring, Daniel Schalk |
Production, company | Craig Mazin Company |
Distributed by | Dimension Films, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer |
Released | March 28, 2008 |
Running time | 86 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Budget | $35 million |
Box office | $71.2 million |
Netflix ID | 70056422 |
Giới thiệu về Superhero Movie
A teenager turns into Dragonfly Man after being bitten by a mutated insect. He sets out to do good, and take down his nemesis The Hourglass.
Thành tựu & Danh hiệu của Superhero Movie
The film received slightly better reviews than its predecessors, Date Movie and Meet the Spartans.
Top sự thật mà bạn không biết về Superhero Movie
Spoof film - A parody film or spoof film is a subgenre of comedy film that parodies other film genres or films as pastiches, works created by imitation of the style of many different films reassembled together.. Cultural depictions of Tom Cruise.. 2000s parody films.. Parody superheroes.. Dimension Films films.. American slapstick comedy films.. 2000s action comedy films.. 2000s teen comedy films.. American superhero films.. American parody films.. American action comedy films.. American teen comedy films.
Thông tin về Superhero Movie cập nhật ngày 28 tháng 7 năm 2021.