The Tax Collector is a 2020 American action thriller film written, directed, and produced by David Ayer. The film stars Bobby Soto, Cinthya Carmona, George Lopez, and Shia LaBeouf, and follows two enforcers working for a Los Angeles crime lord whose business becomes upended, resulting in one of them desperately protecting his family from an old rival. The Tax Collector was released in the United States on August 7, 2020, by RLJE Films, and received negative reviews from critics.
Đạo diễn | David Ayer |
Produced by | Chris Long, David Ayer, Tyler Thompson, Matt Antoun |
Writer(s) | David Ayer |
Starring | Bobby Soto, Cinthya Carmona, George Lopez, Shia LaBeouf |
Music | Michael Yezerski |
Cinematography | Salvatore Totino |
Edited by | Geoffrey O'Brien |
Distributed by | RLJE Films |
Released | July 30, 2020 (Vineland Drive-In), August 7, 2020 (United States) |
Running time | 95 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Budget | $30 million |
Box office | $1.3 million |
Giới thiệu về The Tax Collector
Enforcers for a crime boss must reevaluate their career path when faced with a rival from the past. The film was directed by David Ayer.
Thành tựu & Danh hiệu của The Tax Collector
Due to the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic the film premiered at the Vineland Drive-In theatre. The project was distributed by RLJE Films.
Top sự thật mà bạn không biết về The Tax Collector
Films directed by David Ayer.. Films about Mexican drug cartels.. Hood films.
Thông tin về The Tax Collector cập nhật ngày 28 tháng 7 năm 2021.