The My Hero Academia manga and anime series features a vast world with an extensive cast of characters created by Kōhei Horikoshi. The series takes place in a fictional world where, currently, more than 80% of the Earth's population possesses some form of superhuman ability, commonly referred to as "Quirks;" the appearance of these abilities has given rise to not only professional heroes, but also the threat of villains.
Giới thiệu về Katsuki Bakugo
one of the main characters on the the popular anime series My Hero Academia. On the show he is on-and-off friends/rivals with Izuku Midoriya. He is a student at of Class 1-A in the U.A High School and is training to become a Pro Hero.
Thành tựu & Danh hiệu của Katsuki Bakugo
He has the ability to harness the Explosion Quirk and also used One For All albeit briefly.
Thông tin về Katsuki Bakugo cập nhật ngày 28 tháng 7 năm 2021.