Judas Iscariot was a disciple and one of the original Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ. According to all four canonical gospels, Judas betrayed Jesus to the Sanhedrin in the Garden of Gethsemane by kissing him and addressing him as "rabbi" to reveal his identity in the darkness to the crowd who had come to arrest him. His name is often used synonymously with betrayal or treason. Judas's epithet "Iscariot" most likely means he came from the village of Kerioth, but this explanation is not universally accepted and many other possibilities have been suggested. The Gospel of Mark, the earliest gospel, gives no motive for Judas's betrayal, but does present Jesus predicting it at the Last Supper, an event also described in all the later gospels. The Gospel of Matthew 26:15 states that Judas committed the betrayal in exchange for thirty pieces of silver. The Gospel of Luke 22:3 and the Gospel of John 13:27 suggest that he was possessed by Satan.
Giới thiệu về Judas - Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga single that reached #10 on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart. The song tells the story of a woman's love for a man who crossed her with references to the Biblical Judas.
Thành tựu & Danh hiệu của Judas - Lady Gaga
The music video for the song, which features Norman Reedus as Judas and Lady Gaga as Mary Magdalene, received two nominations at the 2011 MTV Video Music Awards.
Top sự thật mà bạn không biết về Judas - Lady Gaga
Judas Iscariot Category.. "Three Versions of Judas" -"Three versions of Judas" is a short story by Argentine writer and poet Jorge Luis Borges. It was included in Borges' anthology, Ficciones, published in 1944. Like several other Borges stories, it is written in the form of a scholarly article.. Judas goat - A Judas goat is a trained goat used in general animal herding. The Judas goat is trained to associate with sheep or cattle, leading them to a specific destination. In stockyards, a Judas goat will lead sheep to slaughter, while its own life is spared.. Judas tree - Cercis siliquastrum, commonly known as the Judas tree or Judas-tree, is a small deciduous tree from Southern Europe and Western Asia which is noted for its prolific display of deep pink flowers in spring.. Judas's Ear mushroom (Auricularia auricula-judae).. Burning of Judas - The burning of Judas is an Easter-time ritual originated in European Christian communities, where an effigy of Judas Iscariot is burned. Other related mistreatment of Judas effigies include hanging, flogging, and exploding with fireworks.. Twelve Apostles.. Suicides by hanging in Israel.. 1st-century Jews.. Ancient people who committed suicide.. Roman-era Jews.. Double agents.
Thông tin về Judas - Lady Gaga cập nhật ngày 28 tháng 7 năm 2021.