Baby Daddy is an American sitcom created by Dan Berendsen that premiered on June 20, 2012 on ABC Family. The series follows Ben, a man in his twenties, who gets the surprise of his life when a one-night stand leaves his baby at his doorstep. Ben decides to raise his daughter with the help of his brother, Danny, his two close friends, Riley and Tucker, and his sometimes-overbearing mother, Bonnie. The show was inspired by the American film Three Men and a Baby which was released in 1987. Six seasons were produced in total, with the 100th, and final episode airing on May 22, 2017.
Genre | Sitcom |
Created by | Dan Berendsen |
Directed by | Michael Lembeck |
Starring | Jean-Luc Bilodeau, Tahj Mowry, Derek Theler, Melissa Peterman, Chelsea Kane |
Composer(s) | Doug DeAngelis |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 6 |
No. of episodes | 100 |
Executive producer(s) | Dan Berendsen, Michael Lembeck, John Ziffren, Vince Cheung, Ben Montanio, Heidi Clements |
Producer(s) | Timothy Marx, Frank Pines, Nancy Cohen, Jan Siegelman, David Hartle |
Location(s) | CBS Studio Center, Studio City, California, Stage 20 |
Camera setup | Multi-camera |
Running time | 22 minutes |
Production company(s) | Don't Borrow Trouble |
Distributor | Disney–ABC Domestic Television |
Original network | Freeform |
Giới thiệu về Baby Daddy
A young and irresponsible bachelor has to become a father when an ex-girlfriend leaves a baby with him. The show ran for six seasons and aired a total of 100 episodes.
Thành tựu & Danh hiệu của Baby Daddy
The series won the People's Choice Award for Favorite Cable TV Comedy in 2017.
Top sự thật mà bạn không biết về Baby Daddy
Television series about brothers.. Television series by Disney–ABC Domestic Television.. Television shows filmed in Los Angeles.. Television series about dysfunctional families.