East Los High is a teen drama streaming television series that revolves around the lives of a group of teens navigating their final years at a fictional high school in East LA. Created, written, and produced by Wise Entertainment, the series is Hulu's first and only series with an all Latino cast and crew and is predominantly filmed in East Los Angeles. The producers of the show work closely with numerous public health organizations to incorporate information within the storylines that encourage young Latinos to make healthy life choices. On May 19, 2017, Hulu announced that East Los High would not be renewed for a fifth season. Hulu instead ordered an eighty-three minute series finale that aired on December 1, 2017.
Genre | Teen drama |
Created by | Carlos Portugal, Kathleen Bedoya |
Written by | Carlos Portugal |
Directed by | Carlos Portugal, Carlos Reza, Katie Elmore Mota, Efrain Cortes |
Starring | Vannessa Vasquez, Gabriel Chavarria, Danielle Vega, Alexandra Rodriguez, Carlito Olivero, J. D. Pardo |
Opening theme | "SO WHAT!" by Sanchia |
Composer(s) | Juan Carlos Rodriguez |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English, Spanish |
No. of seasons | 4 |
No. of episodes | 61 |
Executive producer(s) | Katie Elmore Mota, Carlos Portugal, Mauricio Mota, Kathleen Bedoya, Mark Warshaw |
Producer(s) | Katie Elmore Mota, Kathy Le Backes, Mariela Ramos Oquendo, Robin Henry, Lauren Robinson, Danielle Vega, Gabriel Chavarria |
Location(s) | East Los Angeles, California |
Editor(s) | Donna Mathewson |
Running time | 22–24 minutes |
Production company(s) | Wise Entertainment, Population Media Center, Into Action Films |
Distributor | Hulu |
Giới thiệu về East Los High
A group of teenagers handle high school life on the east side of Los Angeles. The show ran for four seasons and aired a total of 60 episodes.
Thành tựu & Danh hiệu của East Los High
John DeLuca and Christina Milian have both guest starred on the show. The show was Hulu's first series with an all Latino cast and crew.
Top sự thật mà bạn không biết về East Los High
Internet soap operas.
Thông tin về East Los High cập nhật ngày 28 tháng 7 năm 2021.