Hey Arnold! is an American animated comedy television series created by Craig Bartlett that aired on Nickelodeon from October 7, 1996, to June 8, 2004. The show centers on a fourth grader named Arnold, who lives with his grandparents in an inner-city tenement. Episodes center on his experiences navigating urban life while dealing with the problems he and his friends encounter. Bartlett's idea for the show is based on a minor character named Arnold whom he created while working on Pee-wee's Playhouse. The executives enjoyed the character, and Bartlett completed the cast by drawing inspiration from people he grew up with in Portland, Oregon, and Seattle, Washington. Bartlett created the pilot episode in his living room in 1994 and official production began in 1995. The animators worked to transform Arnold from clay animation to cel animation, leading to the series premiere. The show finished production in 2001 after 5 seasons and 100 episodes.
Genre | Animated sitcom, Comedy-drama, Slice of life |
Created by | Craig Bartlett |
Developed by | Craig Bartlett, Joe Ansolabehere, Steve Viksten |
Creative director(s) | Tuck Tucker |
Voices of | Toran Caudell (seasons 1–2), Phillip Van Dyke (seasons 2–3), Spencer Klein (seasons 4–5), Alex D. Linz (season 5), Jamil Walker Smith, Francesca Marie Smith, Dan Castellaneta, Tress MacNeille, Justin Shenkarow, Anndi McAfee, Sam Gifaldi, Olivia Hack, Dan Butler, Craig Bartlett |
Composer(s) | Jim Lang |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 5 |
No. of episodes | 100 (187 segments) |
Executive producer(s) | Craig Bartlett, Mary Harrington, Co-Executive Producers, Steve Viksten (Season 5) |
Producer(s) | Co-Producers, Joe Ansolabehere (Season 1), Steve Viksten (Seasons 1–4), Joseph Purdy (Seasons 2–5), Michelle Lamoreaux (Season 5), Supervising Producers, Jamie Mitchell (Season 1), Kathrin Seitz (Season 1), Steve Socki (Seasons 4–5), Line Producers, Donna Smith (Seasons 3–5), Melinda Dilger (Seasons 1–2), Kelly Crews (Season 5), Ryan Slater (Season 5), Michael Lessa (Seasons 1–4), Senior Producers, Michael Lessa (Seasons 1–4) |
Running time | 23 minutes (two 11-minute segments each) |
Production company(s) | Snee-Oosh, Inc, Nickelodeon Animation Studios (1998–2004) (as Games Animation) (used on pilot, season 1 and early season 2) |
Distributor | Viacom Media Networks |
Original network | Nickelodeon |
Picture format | SDTV |
Giới thiệu về Hey Arnold!
A young football-headed boy lives in a boarding house with his grandparents in Brooklyn, New York. The show ran for five seasons and aired a total of 100 episodes.
Thành tựu & Danh hiệu của Hey Arnold!
The character of Arnold is based on a character created by Craig Bartlett while he was working on Pee-wee's Playhouse. The show launched a feature film in 2002 called Hey Arnold!: The Movie.
Top sự thật mà bạn không biết về Hey Arnold!
Hey Arnold! Category.. Television series created by Craig Bartlett.. Nicktoons.. Television shows set in the United States.. 1990s American animated television series.. 2000s American animated television series.