Ordinary Joe is an upcoming American drama television series that is set to premiere on September 20, 2021 on NBC. The series, produced by 20th Television and Universal Television, is co-created and co-executive produced by Garrett Lerner and Russel Friend.
Genre | Drama |
Created by | Garrett Lerner, Russel Friend |
Starring | James Wolk, Natalie Martinez, Charlie Barnett, Elizabeth Lail |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
Executive producer(s) | Garrett Lerner, Russel Friend, Matt Reeves, Adam Davidson, Adam Kassen, Howard Klein, Rafi Crohn |
Camera setup | Single-camera |
Production company(s) | 20th Television, Universal Television, 3 Arts Entertainment, 6th & Idaho |
Distributor | NBCUniversal Television Distribution |
Original network | NBC |
Giới thiệu về Ordinary Joe
Drama series following the life of Joe Kimbreau as he graduated from college and begins his professional career. The events of his graduation lead to his life branching out into three very different timelines. The series was created for television by Garrett Lerner and Russel Friend.
Thành tựu & Danh hiệu của Ordinary Joe
The show's pilot was originally written by and ABC executive in 2006 but the project went no where. When finally produced the pilot was filmed in Chicago.
Thông tin về Ordinary Joe cập nhật ngày 05 tháng 8 năm 2021.