Sintonia is a Brazilian crime teen drama streaming television series created and directed by Kondzilla that premiered on Netflix on August 9, 2019. Narrated from the perspectives of the three characters Doni, Nando, and Rita who grew up together, the series follows the interconnectedness of music, drug trafficking and religion in a peripheral neighborhood of São Paulo.
Genre | Crime drama, Teen drama |
Created by | Kondzilla |
Written by | Guilherme Quintella, Duda de Almeida, Thays Berbe |
Directed by | Kondzilla, Johnny Araújo |
Starring | Jottapê, Christian Malheiros, Bruna Mascarenhas |
Country of origin | Brazil |
Original language(s) | Portuguese |
No. of seasons | 1 |
No. of episodes | 6 |
Executive producer(s) | Felipe Braga |
Producer(s) | Rita Moraes, Felipe Braga, Alice Braga |
Cinematography | Felipe Hermini, Lito Mendes da Rocha |
Editor(s) | Helena Maura, Rodrigo Menecucci, Estevan Santos |
Running time | 36–47 minutes |
Production company(s) | Losbragas |
Original network | Netflix |
Picture format | 4K (Ultra HD) |
Netflix ID | 80217315 |
Giới thiệu về Sintonia
Brazilian series which tells the tale of three characters who grew up together. It centers on their relationship through music, drug trafficking and religion. It was created and directed by KondZilla.
Thành tựu & Danh hiệu của Sintonia
For the first time in Netflix's history, the show premiered an episode on YouTube as a promotion. It was available from August 9th to August 11th on KondZilla's YouTube channel.
Top sự thật mà bạn không biết về Sintonia
Brazilian crime television series.. Television shows set in São Paulo.. Brazilian drama television series.. 2010s Brazilian television series.. Television series about organized crime.