Sister's Slam Dunk is a South Korean reality show that aired every Friday on KBS 2TV from April 8 to December 2, 2016. The show's first season featured an all-female cast consisting of Ra Mi-ran, Kim Sook, Hong Jin-kyung, Min Hyo-rin, Jessi and Tiffany, and followed their attempts at fulfilling each cast member's dream using a budget of ₩2,196,000 or approximately $2,000. The cast members formed a special girl group named "Unnies" and released a Park Jin-young-produced single titled "Shut Up", featuring You Hee-yeol, in July 2016. Season 2 of the program focused primarily on the girl group project, which was Min Hyo-rin's dream in season 1. The show followed seven members, Kang Ye-won, Han Chae-young, Hong Jin-young, Minzy and Jeon So-mi, with Kim Sook and Hong Jin-kyung returning, as they formed the second generation of "Unnies", produced by Kim Hyeong-seok. The fulfillment of each member's personal dreams have become the side projects of the program.
Genre | Reality show |
Starring | Season 1, Ra Mi-ran, Kim Sook, Hong Jin-kyung, Min Hyo-rin, Jessi, Tiffany Season 2, Kim Sook, Hong Jin-kyung, Kang Ye-won |
Country of origin | South Korea |
Original language(s) | Korean |
No. of seasons | 2 |
No. of episodes | 49 |
Producer(s) | Park In-seok, Hwang Min-kyu, Park Seon-hye, Chae Seung-woo |
Location(s) | Seoul |
Running time | 140 minutes |
Original network | KBS 2TV |
Picture format | 1080i (HDTV) |
Audio format | Stereo |
Giới thiệu về Sister's Slam Dunk
South Korean series featuring an all-female cast which followed their attempts to fulfill each of their dreams using a budget of approximately $2,000. The won 5 KBS Entertainment Awards in 2016.
Thành tựu & Danh hiệu của Sister's Slam Dunk
The cast members formed a girl group called Unnies. Their official greeting is "Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!, Hello! We are Unnies!"
Thông tin về Sister's Slam Dunk cập nhật ngày 28 tháng 7 năm 2021.