WtFOCK is a Belgian teen drama web series broadcast by VIER and VIJF that follows the lives of teenagers in Antwerp. It is an adaption of the popular Norwegian series SKAM. By the end of the first series, around 100,000 people were watching wtFOCK every week.
Genre | Teen drama |
Created by | Julie Andem |
Developed by | Julie Andem |
Country of origin | Belgium |
Original language(s) | Flemish |
No. of seasons | 5 |
No. of episodes | 42 |
Location(s) | Antwerp |
Running time | 20–40 minutes |
Production company(s) | Sputnik Media |
Original network | VIER, VIJF |
Giới thiệu về WtFOCK
Also known as Skam Belgium, the series shares the story of high school teenagers in Antwerp and their troubles, scandals and everyday life. Each episode is told from the perspective of a different person.
Thành tựu & Danh hiệu của WtFOCK
The show is an international remake of Skam. It was created by Julie Andem. Season two aired on the network VIJF.
Top sự thật mà bạn không biết về WtFOCK
2010s Belgian television series.. Television shows set in Belgium.. Islam in fiction.