MTV Roadies is an youth based reality show that airs on MTV India. It first aired in 2003. In this show, a group of contestants travel to different destinations and participate in various tasks that challenge their physical, social and mental strength. It gained mainstream popularity amongst the Indian youth from the 3rd season, inspiring thousands of youngsters to take part in the popular show.
Genre | Reality |
Presented by | see below |
Judges | see below |
Country of origin | India |
Original language(s) | Hindi |
No. of seasons | 18 |
Production company(s) | Diamond Pictures, (2009-2010), Colosceum Media, (2010- till date) |
Original network | MTV India |
Related shows | Battleground, (2006-2009, 2014-present), Graveyard, (2010-2011, 2013-2014) |
Giới thiệu về MTV Roadies
MTV India series in which contestants participate in tasks that incorporate their physical and mental strength. The contestant who survives vote outs and succeeds in the final task is named the winner.
Thành tựu & Danh hiệu của MTV Roadies
Cyrus Sahukar hosted the inaugural season of the show. Other presenters were Rannvijay Singha, Gurbani Judge and Gaelyn Mendonca. Judges included Raghu Ram, Rannvijay Singha, Karan Kundra, Neha Dhupia, Prince Narula, Nikhil Chinapa and others.
Top sự thật mà bạn không biết về MTV Roadies
Adventure reality television series.. Indian reality television series.