A Fall from Grace is a 2020 American thriller film produced, written, and directed by Tyler Perry and his first to be released by Netflix. The film follows a woman who finds a dangerous new love and the novice attorney who defends her in a sensational court case. This was the final film of Cicely Tyson before her death in January 2021.
导演 | Tyler Perry |
Produced by | Mark E. Swinton, Will Areu |
Writer(s) | Tyler Perry |
Starring | Crystal Fox, Phylicia Rashad, Bresha Webb, Mehcad Brooks, Cicely Tyson, Tyler Perry |
Music | Jay Weigel |
Cinematography | Terrence Burke |
Edited by | Larry Sexton |
Production, company | Tyler Perry Studios |
Distributed by | Netflix |
Released | January 17, 2020 |
Running time | 120 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Netflix ID | 81127902 |
关于A Fall from Grace
A woman betrayed by her husband sees her vulnerable side turn violent following some short-lived joy from a new romance. The movie was written and directed by Tyler Perry.
A Fall from Grace的成就
Filming took place over just five days at Tyler Perry Studios in the fall of 2018. Perry also appears as an actor in the movie.
您不知道A Fall from Grace的热门事实
Films directed by Tyler Perry.. Films shot in Atlanta.