A Family Man is a 2016 American drama film directed by Mark Williams, in his directorial debut, and written by Bill Dubuque. The film tells the story of Dane Jensen, a Corporate Recruiter from Chicago, who must balance his career aspirations and his increasingly complex family life. The film stars Gerard Butler, Willem Dafoe, Anupam Kher, Alfred Molina, Alison Brie, and Gretchen Mol. Principal photography began on October 26, 2015 in Toronto. It screened at the 2016 Toronto International Film Festival.
导演 | Mark Williams |
Produced by | Gerard Butler, Nicolas Chartier, Craig J. Flores, Patrick Newall, Alan Siegel, Mark Williams |
Writer(s) | Bill Dubuque |
Starring | Gerard Butler, Gretchen Mol, Alison Brie, Anupam Kher, Alfred Molina, Willem Dafoe |
Music | Mark Isham |
Cinematography | Shelly Johnson |
Edited by | Thom Noble |
Production, company | Zero Gravity Management |
Distributed by | Vertical Entertainment |
Released | September 13, 2016 (TIFF), July 28, 2017 (United States) |
Running time | 108 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Box office | $0 (Domestic Box Office), $1.2 million (International Box Office) |
关于A Family Man
A corporate recruiter must balance his career aspirations and his family life. As he deals with an ambitious rival at work, his son faces a health crisis.
A Family Man的成就
The film's previous title was A Headhunter's Calling.
您不知道A Family Man的热门事实
Vertical Entertainment films.. Films shot in Chicago.. Films shot in Toronto.