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Antwone Fisher

10 January, 2003
Antwone Fisher

Antwone Quenton Fisher is an American director, screenwriter, author, and film producer. His 2001 autobiographical book Finding Fish was a New York Times Best Seller. The 2002 film Antwone Fisher was written by Fisher and directed by Denzel Washington.

Born Antwon Quenton Fisher, August 3, 1959, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.
Nationality American
Occupation Director, producer, screenwriter
Children 2

关于Antwone Fisher

A sailor is prone to violent outbursts and is sent to a Naval psychiatrist for help. As they spend more time together, the sailor opens up about his troubled past and starts the journey to find the family he never knew.

Antwone Fisher的成就

The film is based on the book titled Finding Fish by Antwone Fisher. The film marks Denzel Washington's directorial debut. 

您不知道Antwone Fisher的热门事实

African-American screenwriters.. Writers from Cleveland.. African-American military personnel.. American adoptees.

关于Antwone Fisher的最新信息于2021年7月28日更新.