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Candy Jar

27 April, 2018
Candy Jar

Candy Jar is a 2018 American romantic comedy film directed by Ben Shelton and starring Sami Gayle and Jacob Latimore. The screenplay concerns a dueling high school debate champion duo who are trying to get into the colleges of their dreams. The film was released on April 27, 2018 on Netflix.

导演 Ben Shelton
Produced by Michael A. Simpson, Judy Cairo
Writer(s) Chad Klitzman
Starring Sami Gayle, Jacob Latimore
Music Ryan Leach
Cinematography Topher Osborn
Edited by Kayla Emter
Production, company Netflix
Distributed by Netflix
Released April 27, 2018 (United States)
Running time 92 minutes
Country United States
Language English
Netflix ID 80164864

关于Candy Jar

Dueling high school debate champs with ambitious plans for college realize they actually share similarities though they are at odds on just about everything else.

Candy Jar的成就

The film is directed by Ben Shelton and was made as an original movie for Netflix.

您不知道Candy Jar的热门事实

Films about high school debate.. Films shot in Georgia (U.S. state).. Films about interracial romance.

关于Candy Jar的最新信息于2021年7月28日更新.