Raya and the Last Dragon is a 2021 American computer-animated fantasy action-adventure film produced by Walt Disney Pictures and Walt Disney Animation Studios, and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. The 59th film produced by the studio, it is directed by Don Hall and Carlos López Estrada, co-directed by Paul Briggs and John Ripa, produced by Osnat Shurer and Peter Del Vecho, written by Qui Nguyen and Adele Lim, music composed by James Newton Howard, and starring the voices of Kelly Marie Tran, Awkwafina, Izaac Wang, Gemma Chan, Daniel Dae Kim, Benedict Wong, Sandra Oh, Thalia Tran, Lucille Soong, and Alan Tudyk. It takes place in the fictional land of Kumandra, which consists of five separate tribes rivaling for the dragon gem; the film follows a warrior princess on her journey to find the last remains dragon and gain her help along the way in seeking pieces of a gem with the power to banish the Druun and reunite the tribes.
导演 | Don Hall, Carlos López Estrada |
Produced by | Osnat Shurer, Peter Del Vecho |
Screenplay by | Qui Nguyen, Adele Lim |
Story by | Paul Briggs, Don Hall, Adele Lim, Carlos López Estrada, Kiel Murray, Qui Nguyen, John Ripa, Dean Wellins |
Starring | Kelly Marie Tran, Awkwafina, Izaac Wang, Gemma Chan, Daniel Dae Kim, Benedict Wong, Sandra Oh, Thalia Tran, Lucille Soong, Alan Tudyk |
Music | James Newton Howard |
Cinematography | Rob Dressel (layout), Adolph Lusinsky (lighting) |
Edited by | Fabienne Rawley, Shannon Stein |
Production, company | Walt Disney Pictures, Walt Disney Animation Studios |
Distributed by | Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures |
Released | March 03, 2021 (Indonesia), March 05, 2021 (United States) |
Running time | 107 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Budget | $100 million+ |
Box office | $119 million |
关于Raya and the Last Dragon
In the fabled land of Kumandra a young warrior searches for the world's last remaining dragon. The film was directed by Carlos López Estrada and Don Hall.
Raya and the Last Dragon的成就
The movie was originally scheduled to release around Thanksgiving 2020 but was pushed back to 2021 due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
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Southeast Asia in fiction.. Films produced by Peter Del Vecho.. Walt Disney Animation Studios films.. Films directed by Don Hall.. Films set in a fictional country.. Animated feature films.. Films about shapeshifting.. IMAX films.. American fantasy adventure films.. Walt Disney Pictures films.