The Muppets are an ensemble cast of puppet characters known for an absurdist, burlesque, and self-referential style of variety-sketch comedy. Created by Jim Henson in 1955, they are the namesakes of the Disney-owned media franchise that encompasses television, film, music, and other media associated with the characters. The Muppets originated in the short-form television series Sam and Friends, which aired from 1955 to 1961. Following appearances on late night talk shows and in advertising during the 1960s, the Muppets began appearing on Sesame Street, and attained celebrity status and international recognition through The Muppet Show, which received four Primetime Emmy Award wins and twenty-one nominations during its five-year run. During the 1970s and 1980s, the Muppets diversified into theatrical films, including The Muppet Movie; The Great Muppet Caper; and The Muppets Take Manhattan.
Creator | Jim Henson |
Original work | Sam and Friends (1955) |
Owner | The Jim Henson Company (1955—2004), The Muppets Studio, (The Walt Disney Company, 2004—present) |
Books | Books and comics |
Films | Film list |
Television series | Sam and Friends (1955–1961), The Muppet Show (1976–1981), Muppet Babies (1984–1991), Muppets Tonight (1996–1998), The Muppets (2015–2016), Muppet Babies (2018–present), Muppets Now (2020–present) |
Video games | Video game list |
Soundtracks | Discography |
Theme park attractions | Muppet, Vision 3D, The Muppets Present...Great Moments in American History, Muppet Mobile Lab |
Web series | Statler and Waldorf: From the Balcony, The Muppets Kitchen with Cat Cora |
关于The Muppets
Academy Award winning movie about a Muppet fan getting the gang back together in order to stop an oil mogul's evil plan.
The Muppets的成就
Actors Amy Adams and Jason Segel were asked to operate some of the muppets in the film. After filming, Jason Segel received a Muppet version of himself from the filmmakers.
您不知道The Muppets的热门事实
The Muppets Category.. Puppet troupes.. Sketch comedy troupes.. Disney acquisitions.. Metafictional characters.. Walt Disney Records artists.. American comedy troupes.. Fictional musical groups.