Minnie Mouse is a cartoon character created in 1928 at Walt Disney Animation Studios. As the longtime sweetheart of Mickey Mouse, she is an anthropomorphic mouse with white gloves, a bow, polka-dotted dress, and low-heeled shoes occasionally with ribbons on them. The Mickey Mouse comic strip story "The Gleam" by Merrill De Maris and Floyd Gottfredson first gave her full name as Minerva Mouse, although this is seldom used. Minnie is classy, cheerful, and feminine. She is filled to the brim with love and affection, sweet to nearly everyone she comes across, and can typically see the beauty in most things. The comic strip story "Mr. Slicker and the Egg Robbers" introduced her father Marcus Mouse and her unnamed mother, both farmers. The same story featured photographs of Minnie's uncle Milton Mouse with his family and her grandparents Marvel Mouse and Matilda Mouse.
First appearance | Steamboat Willie, (1928) |
Created by | Walt Disney, Ub Iwerks |
Voiced by | Walt Disney (1928–1929), Marjorie Ralston (1929), Marcellite Garner (1929–1939, 1942, 2013), Thelma Boardman (1941–1942), Ruth Clifford (1947–1952), Janet Waldo (1974), Russi Taylor (1986–2019), Kaitlyn Robrock (2019–present) |
Gender | Female |
Family | Minnie Mouse family |
Pet cat | Figaro |
关于Minnie Mouse
Known for her red and white attire, particularly the bow on her head, she is an iconic Disney character often appearing aside Mickey Mouse.
Minnie Mouse的成就
She made her first appearance in the 1929 short film Plane Crazy.
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Fictional characters from Calisota.. Mickey Mouse.. Disney core universe characters.. Disney comics characters.. Fictional dancers.. Kingdom Hearts characters.. Female characters in animation.. Fictional mice and rats.. Fictional singers.