Easy on Me - Adele image

Easy on Me - Adele

15 October, 2021

"Easy on Me" is a song recorded by English singer-songwriter Adele. It is set to be released on 15 October 2021 by XL Recordings as the lead single from her upcoming fourth studio album. The single marks the first solo release of the singer in over five years.

Label XL, Columbia
Writer(s) Adele Adkins
Producer(s) Greg Kurstin

关于Easy on Me - Adele

Lead single from Adele's fourth full-length studio album 30. The song marks the artist's first release since 2016. It was produced by Greg Kurstin.

Easy on Me - Adele的成就

The song released alongside an accompanying music video. The video was directed by Xavier Dolan who also directed Adele's "Hello" video. 

您不知道Easy on Me - Adele的热门事实

Songs written by Adele.. Adele songs.. Song recordings produced by Greg Kurstin.. XL Recordings singles.

关于Easy on Me - Adele的最新信息于2021年10月11日更新.