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Fuller House

26 February, 2016

关于Fuller House

This revival of the series Full House follows D.J. and Kimmy as they raise their families in the same house. While the original series aired on ABC, this spin-off is a Netflix original series.

Fuller House的成就

Alan Thicke played a guest role as Mike, Crystal's grandfather, in an episode from season two. The fifth and final season was split into two parts and was comprised of 18 episodes. It ended in 2020.

您不知道Fuller House的热门事实

Fuller House (TV series) An American sitcom created by Jeff Franklin that airs as a Netflix original series, and is a.... "Fuller House" (Full House) The fourth season of the family sitcom Full House originally aired on ABC from September 21, 1990...

关于Fuller House的最新信息于2021年7月28日更新.