Sailor Moon is a Japanese shōjo manga series written and illustrated by Naoko Takeuchi. It was originally serialized in Nakayoshi from 1991 to 1997; the 60 individual chapters were published in 18 tankōbon volumes. The series follows the adventures of a schoolgirl named Usagi Tsukino as she transforms into Sailor Moon to search for a magical artifact, the "Legendary Silver Crystal". She leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System. The manga was adapted into an anime series produced by Toei Animation and broadcast in Japan from 1992 to 1997. Toei also developed three animated feature films, a television special, and three short films based on the anime. A live-action television adaptation, Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, aired from 2003 to 2004, and a second anime series, Sailor Moon Crystal, began simulcasting in 2014.
关于Sailor Moon
Based on the manga of the same name by Naoko Takeuchi, the series follows the magical action-adventures of a teenage girl who learns of her destiny as the warrior Sailor Moon.
Sailor Moon的成就
The series was known in Japan as Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon. In the United States, the show was aired on Cartoon Network and in syndication. It also aired in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand and the UK.
您不知道Sailor Moon的热门事实
Sailor Moon Category.. Tokyo in fiction.. Winner of Kodansha Manga Award (Shōjo).. Manga adapted into television series.. Manga series.. Magical girl anime and manga.. Manga adapted into films.. Tokyopop titles.. Kodansha manga.