Sofia the First is an American CGI animated children's television series that premiered on November 18, 2012, produced by Disney Television Animation for Disney Channel and Disney Junior. Jamie Mitchell is the director and executive producer and Craig Gerber serves as creator, story editor, and producer. The show follows the adventures of Sofia, voiced by Ariel Winter. Sofia becomes a princess when her mother, Miranda, marries King Roland II of Enchancia. The show features songs by John Kavanaugh and Erica Rothschild and a musical score by Kevin Kliesch. On August 25, 2018, Disney Junior announced the show had been cancelled.
Netflix ID | 70293622 |
关于Sofia the First
A common girl becomes a princess, but she must learn how to inhabit the role. Nicolas Cantu and Tyler Merna have provided guest voices for the show.
Sofia the First的成就
John Kavanaugh and Erica Rothschild have written songs for the show and Kevin Kliesch wrote the score. The show spawned a spin-off entitled Elena of Avalor.
您不知道Sofia the First的热门事实
Disney Princess - Disney Princess, also called the Princess Line, is a media franchise and toy-line owned by The Walt Disney Company. Created by Disney Consumer Products chairman Andy Mooney, the franchise features a line-up of fictional female protagonists, who have appeared in various Disney franchises.. Elena and the Secret of Avalor - Elena and the Secret of Avalor is an American computer-animated musical fantasy adventure crossover television movie between Sofia the First and Elena of Avalor, taking place before the latter series. It premiered on November 20, 2016, on both Disney Channel and Disney Junior.. Disney Princess.. Elves in popular culture.. Television series by Disney Television Animation.. Witchcraft in television.. Annie Award winners.. 2010s American animated television series.