The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes is an American superhero animated television series by Marvel Animation in cooperation with Film Roman, based on the Marvel Comics superhero team the Avengers. The show debuted on Disney XD and online in the fall of 2010, starting with a 20-part micro-series that were later broadcast as five television episodes. In the second season, it was one of the inaugural shows of the Marvel Universe programming block alongside Ultimate Spider-Man. The series initially features a team based on the roster for the original Avengers, composed of Iron Man, Giant-Man, Hulk, Thor, and Wasp. The team is later joined by Captain America, Black Panther, and Hawkeye in the first season, and Ms. Marvel and Vision in the second season. In terms of overall tone and style, the series is based principally on the original stories by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.
Genre | Action, Adventure, Superhero, Science fantasy |
Developed by | Ciro Nieli, Joshua Fine, Christopher Yost |
Voices of | Brian Bloom, Chris Cox, Jennifer Hale, Peter Jessop, Phil LaMarr, Eric Loomis, James C. Mathis III, Colleen O'Shaughnessey, Fred Tatasciore, Rick D. Wasserman, Wally Wingert |
Narrated by | Alex Désert (opening narration, season 2) |
Theme music composer | Guy Erez, David Ari Leon |
Opening theme | "Fight As One", by Bad City |
Ending theme | "Fight As One" (instrumental) |
Composer(s) | Guy Michelmore |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 2 |
No. of episodes | 52 |
Executive producer(s) | Alan Fine, Eric S. Rollman, Dan Buckley, Simon Philips (season 1), Jeph Loeb (season 2), Joe Quesada, Stan Lee |
Producer(s) | Dana C. Booton |
Editor(s) | Jonathan Polk, Steve Ingram, George Rizkallah, Robert Walz |
Running time | 22 minutes (TV episodes), 5 minutes (micro episodes) |
Production company(s) | Film Roman, Ingenious Media (episodes 14–26), Marvel Animation |
Distributor | Disney–ABC Domestic Television |
Original network | Disney XD |
Preceded by | The Avengers: United They Stand |
Followed by | Avengers Assemble |
Netflix ID | 70178215 |
关于The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
Disney XD series based on the Marvel Comics superhero team the Avengers. In the show, the superheroes must capture all 74 villains that have broken out of prison.
The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes的成就
The show earned numerous Behind the Voice Actors Awards nominations as well as a 2012 IGN Summer Movie Award nomination for Best TV Animated Series.
您不知道The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes的热门事实
Marvel Animation.. Works by Christopher Yost.. Animated television series based on Marvel Comics.. Television series by Disney–ABC Domestic Television.. 2010s American animated television series.