The Hills: New Beginnings is an American reality television show, developed as a sequel to The Hills. The series reunites the original cast members, alongside their children, friends, and new faces, and follows their personal and professional lives while living in Los Angeles. It premiered on June 24, 2019. In July 2019, MTV renewed the series for a second season which premiered on May 12, 2021.
Genre | Reality television |
Starring | Brody Jenner, Audrina Patridge, Heidi Montag, Spencer Pratt, Justin Brescia, Stephanie Pratt, Frankie Delgado, Whitney Port, Mischa Barton, Brandon Thomas Lee, Jason Wahler, Ashley Wahler, Kaitlynn Carter |
Opening theme | "Unwritten" (The 2019 Remix) by Natasha Bedingfield |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 2 |
No. of episodes | 19 |
Executive producer(s) | Douglas Ross, Alex Baskin, Tina Gazzerro Clapp, Lauren Weber, Adam DiVello, Megan Estrada, Jim Fraenkel, Sandi Johnson, Toni Gallagher, Robert Carroll, Cecily Deutsch, Brent Gauches |
Location(s) | Los Angeles, California, US |
Cinematography | Jason Eksuzian |
Camera setup | Multi-Camera |
Running time | 44–46 minutes |
Production company(s) | Evolution Media, MTV Entertainment Studios (2021-present) |
Distributor | CBS Television Distribution |
Original network | MTV |
Picture format | 1080i HDTV |
Preceded by | The Hills |
关于The Hills: New Beginnings
Reboot of the hit MTV reality series The Hills which reunites original cast members alongside their children and friends, and follows their personal and professional lives.
The Hills: New Beginnings的成就
In 2016, a reunion special was aired which was titled The Hills: That Was Then, This Is Now.