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Electric City

Yahoo! Screen
17 July, 2012

关于Electric City

Post-apocalyptic, sci-fi series set in an orderly utopia where mankind's small settlements' main business was to produce electric power. The show was created by Tom Hanks and directed by Joel Trussell.

Electric City的成就

The vice president and head of video for Yahoo, Erin McPherson, claimed it would be the first project in what would be known as online digital blockbusters. It lasted twenty episodes. A role-playing game based on the series was developed and titled Electric City: The Revolt.

您不知道Electric City的热门事实

Electric City (web series) An animated, post-apocalyptic, science fiction, web series published through Yahoo!. Electric City, Washington A city in Grant County, Washington, United States. The population was 968 at the 2010 census.

关于Electric City的最新信息于2021年7月28日更新.