Gran Hermano is a reality television program produced by Endemol hosted by Jorge Rial, taking over Soledad Silveyra after hosting the first three seasons. It's Argentina's version of the Big Brother franchise on Telefe. It first aired on March 10, 2001. It has had nine editions and one VIP/Celebrity season. The eighth regular edition started on April 22, 2015 after a three-year break, also in its new home América TV.
关于Gran Hermano (Argentina)
Argentinian version of the Big Brother franchise which was produced by Endemol. It had nine editions and one VIP/Celebrity season with the eighth regular edition airing on America TV after a three-year hiatus.
Gran Hermano (Argentina)的成就
Soledad Silveyra hosted the first three seasons of the show before Jorge Rial took over. Mariano Peluffo became a co-host for season 7 before Rial continued on solo for the remainder.
您不知道Gran Hermano (Argentina)的热门事实
Gran Hermano Argentina Category.