Curb Your Enthusiasm is an American comedy television series produced and broadcast by HBO that premiered on October 15, 2000. The series was created by Larry David, who stars as a fictionalized version of himself. The series follows Larry in his life as a semi-retired television writer and producer in Los Angeles, and for one season, New York City. Also starring are Cheryl Hines as his wife Cheryl, Jeff Garlin as his manager and best friend Jeff Greene, and Susie Essman as Jeff's wife Susie. Curb Your Enthusiasm often features guest stars, many of them playing fictionalized versions of themselves. As with Seinfeld, which David co-created, the humor of Curb Your Enthusiasm often revolves around the minutiae of American daily social life. Episodes frequently center on Larry's ignorance of or disregard for well-established social conventions and expectations, as well as his insistence that others adhere to rules of which only he seems to be aware.
Genre | Cringe comedy, Improvisational comedy, Dark comedy |
Created by | Larry David |
Story by | Larry David |
Starring | Larry David, Jeff Garlin, Cheryl Hines, Susie Essman, J. B. Smoove |
Theme music composer | Luciano Michelini |
Opening theme | "Frolic" |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 10 |
No. of episodes | 100 (plus 60-minute special) |
Executive producer(s) | Larry David, Jeff Garlin, Robert B. Weide, Alec Berg, David Mandel, Jeff Schaffer, Larry Charles, Gavin Polone, Tim Gibbons, Erin O'Malley |
Location(s) | Los Angeles, New York City |
Camera setup | Single-camera |
Running time | 26–58 minutes |
Production company(s) | HBO Entertainment |
Distributor | Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution, HBO Enterprises |
Original network | HBO |
Picture format | 480i (4:3 SDTV) (seasons 1–6), 1080i (16:9 HDTV) (season 7 – present) |
Related shows | Seinfeld |
À propos de Curb Your Enthusiasm
Emmy Award-winning series that follows the lightly fictionalized life of crotchety TV writer Larry David. The mostly improvisational series returned for season 9 in 2017 after 6 years hiatus.
Réalisation de Curb Your Enthusiasm
The show is rooted in the one hour special Larry David: Curb Your Enthusiasm that released on HBO in 2009.
Principaux faits que vous ne saviez pas sur Curb Your Enthusiasm
Best Musical or Comedy Series Golden Globe winners.. Television series about show business.. Adultery in television.. Jewish comedy and humor.. Television shows filmed in Los Angeles.
Dernières informations sur Curb Your Enthusiasm mis à jour le 28 Juillet, 2021.