Holby City is a British medical drama television series that airs weekly on BBC One. It was created by Tony McHale and Mal Young as a spin-off from the established BBC medical drama Casualty, and premiered on 12 January 1999. It follows the lives of medical and ancillary staff at the fictional Holby City Hospital, the same hospital as Casualty, in the fictional city of Holby, and has featured occasional crossovers of characters and plots with both Casualty and the show's 2007 police procedural spin-off HolbyBlue. It began with eleven main characters in its first series, all of whom have since left the show. New main characters have been both written in and out since, with a core of around fifteen main actors employed at any given time.
Genre | Medical drama |
Created by | Tony McHale, Mal Young |
Starring | Present and former cast |
Country of origin | United Kingdom |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of series | 23 |
No. of episodes | 1,063 |
Executive producer(s) | Mal Young (1999–2004), Johnathan Young (1999, 2011–2013), Kathleen Hutchison (2002–2004), Richard Stokes (2004–2006), Tony McHale (2006–2010), Belinda Campbell (2010–2011), Oliver Kent (2013–2017), Simon Harper (2017–2021) |
Camera setup | Single-camera setup |
Running time | 50 minutes (1999), 60 minutes (1999–2020), 40 minutes (2020–present) |
Production company(s) | BBC, BBC Studios |
Original network | BBC One |
Related shows | Casualty (1986–present), HolbyBlue (2007–2008) |
À propos de Holby City
This show follows the lives and struggles of the nurses, doctors, and patients in the cardiac unit at Holby City General Hospital. The show won its first British Academy Television Award in 2008 for Best Continuing Drama. It also won an Inside Soap Award in 2016 for Best Drama Storyline.
Réalisation de Holby City
The series is a spin-off of the show Casualty and the the two shows have broadcast crossover episodes and used crossover characters.
Principaux faits que vous ne saviez pas sur Holby City
Holby.. Television shows set in England.
Dernières informations sur Holby City mis à jour le 28 Juillet, 2021.