Little Witch Academia

Little Witch Academia is a Japanese anime franchise created by Yoh Yoshinari and produced by Trigger. The original short film, directed by Yoshinari and written by Masahiko Otsuka, was released in theaters in March 2013 as part of the Young Animator Training Project's Anime Mirai 2013 project, and was later streamed with English subtitles on YouTube from April 2013. A second short film partially funded through Kickstarter, Little Witch Academia: The Enchanted Parade, was released in October 2015. An anime television series aired in Japan between January and June 2017, with the first 13 episodes available on Netflix worldwide beginning in June 2017. The remaining 12 episodes of its first season was labeled as the show's second season and was made available on the platform in August 2017. Two manga series have been published by Shueisha.

Netflix ID 80079082

À propos de Little Witch Academia

Anime series following a group of young girls who are training to become witches at the Luna Nova Magical Academy. one girl in particular, Atsuko "Akko" Kagari, struggles with her studies due to her non-magical background. Her life changes completely when she discovers the magical Shiny Rod.

Réalisation de Little Witch Academia

The series is based upon Terio Teri's 2013 manga series of the same name. A short film titled Little Witch Academia: The Enchanted Parade was produced with help from Kickstarter. 

Principaux faits que vous ne saviez pas sur Little Witch Academia

One-shot manga.. Anime short films.. 2010s animated short films.. Witchcraft in television.. Yen Press titles.. Magical girl anime and manga.. Kadokawa Shoten manga.. Anime with original screenplays.. Shueisha manga.. Shōjo manga.

Dernières informations sur Little Witch Academia mis à jour le 28 Juillet, 2021.