One Piece is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda. It has been serialized in Shueisha's shōnen manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump since July 1997, with its individual chapters compiled into 99 tankōbon volumes as of June 2021. The story follows the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy, a boy whose body gained the properties of rubber after unintentionally eating a Devil Fruit. With his crew of pirates, named the Straw Hat Pirates, Luffy explores the Grand Line in search of the world's ultimate treasure known as "One Piece" in order to become the next King of the Pirates. The manga spawned a media franchise, having been adapted into a festival film produced by Production I.G, and an anime series produced by Toei Animation, which began broadcasting in Japan in 1999. Additionally, Toei has developed fourteen animated feature films, one OVA and thirteen television specials.
À propos de One Piece
Long-running anime series chronicling the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy. His body became rubber-like after consuming the Devil Fruit. He sailed the seas with his mischievous band of pirates.
Réalisation de One Piece
As of June 2020, more than 900 episode had been produced.
Principaux faits que vous ne saviez pas sur One Piece
One Piece Category.. Cyborg comics.. Mermaids in popular culture.. World record holders.. Manga adapted into films.. Viz Media manga.. Shueisha manga.
Dernières informations sur One Piece mis à jour le 28 Juillet, 2021.