The Cuphead Show! is an animated television series developed by Dave Wasson for Netflix, based on the 2017 video game Cuphead by Studio MDHR. Chad and Jared Moldenhauer, the creators of Cuphead, serve as executive producers, along with Wasson and CJ Kettler from King Features Syndicate, and with Cosmo Segurson serving as co-executive producer. Dave Wasson originally created the Cartoon Network series Time Squad in 2001. The series was released worldwide on February 18, 2022, and received generally positive reviews.
Genre | Slapstick, Comedy |
Developed by | Dave Wasson |
Written by | Deeki Deke, Clay Morrow, Adam Paloian, Cosmo Segurson, Dave Wasson |
Directed by | Adam Paloian, Clay Morrow, Mark Caballero (stop motion), Seamus Walsh (stop motion) |
Starring | Tru Valentino, Frank Todaro, Joe Hanna, Luke Millington-Drake, Wayne Brady, Grey Griffin, Cosmo Segurson, Dave Wasson |
Theme music composer | Ego Plum |
Opening theme | "Welcome to the Cuphead Show!" (arranged and produced by Ego Plum) (performed by Gizzelle Andrea Becerra, Tru Valentino, and Frank Todaro) |
Ending theme | "Welcome to the Cuphead Show!" (instrumental) |
Composer(s) | Ego Plum |
Country of origin | United States, Canada, Ireland |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 1 |
No. of episodes | 12 |
Executive producer(s) | Dave Wasson, CJ Kettler, Chad Moldenhauer, Jared Moldenhauer, Claire Finn (for Lighthouse), Cosmo Segurson (co-executive) |
Producer(s) | Carolyn Roach (line), Jackie Watson (line), Cormac Slevin (for Lighthouse), Ruchi Shah (line, for Lighthouse), Chris Finnegan (stop motion) |
Editor(s) | Amy Blaisdell |
Running time | 14-16 minutes |
Original network | Netflix |
Netflix ID | 80242531 |
Official Website | |
À propos de The Cuphead Show!
Animated television series based on the hit 2017 video game Cuphead. The show follows the exploits of the impulsive Cuphead and his cautious brother Mugman. The series was developed for streaming television by Dave Wasson.
Réalisation de The Cuphead Show!
The creators of the game Chad Moldenhauer and Jared Moldenhauer serve as executive producers on the show.
Principaux faits que vous ne saviez pas sur The Cuphead Show!
Television series set in the 20th century.. Animated series based on video games.
Dernières informations sur The Cuphead Show! mis à jour le 23 Février, 2022.