The Last O.G. is an American comedy television series created by Jordan Peele and John Carcieri that premiered on March 31, 2018 on TBS. The series follows a convict released after serving fifteen years who returns to Brooklyn to find his old neighborhood has changed, and his ex-girlfriend is raising their children with another man. It stars Tracy Morgan, Tiffany Haddish, Allen Maldonado, Ryan Gaul, Taylor Christian Mosby, Dante Hoagland, and Cedric the Entertainer. In May 2019, the series was renewed for a third season which premiered on April 7, 2020. In October 2020, the series was renewed for a fourth season.
Genre | Comedy |
Created by | John Carcieri, Jordan Peele |
Starring | Tracy Morgan, Tiffany Haddish, Allen Maldonado, Ryan Gaul, Taylor Christian Mosby, Dante Hoagland, Cedric the Entertainer |
Composer(s) | Joseph Stephens |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 3 |
No. of episodes | 30 |
Executive producer(s) | Tracy Morgan, Jorma Taccone, Eric Tannenbaum, Kim Tannenbaum, Joel Zadak, John Carcieri, Jordan Peele |
Producer(s) | Alex Rubens, Jason Wang, Steven Ast |
Cinematography | Michael Simmonds |
Camera setup | Single-camera |
Running time | 22 minutes |
Production company(s) | Streetlife Productions Inc, Monkeypaw Productions, Full Flavor, The Tannenbaum Company, Principato-Young Entertainment, Matthew 633, Artists First, Studio T |
Distributor | Warner Bros. Television Distribution |
Original network | TBS |
À propos de The Last O.G.
An ex-con returns to his newly gentrified Brooklyn neighborhood after being released from prison on good behavior after fifteen years.
Réalisation de The Last O.G.
Jordan Peele served as a co-creator for the series, and Jorma Taccone as well as star Tracy Morgan served as a couple of the executive producers.
Dernières informations sur The Last O.G. mis à jour le 28 Juillet, 2021.