The Sparticle Mystery is a British science fiction television series written and created by Alison Hume and produced by Sparticles Productions for CBBC. The series follows a group of ten children within modern Britain, where an experiment at a Large Hadron Collider-like facility, the Sparticle Project, goes wrong, sending anybody aged 15 and over into a parallel dimension at exactly 11:11 am. The children travel to the Sparticle Project in an attempt to bring back the adults and re-align the two dimensions. The series, which had a budget of £3 million, was filmed in and around Bristol, with the final episode filmed at the ISIS neutron source particle accelerators, near Didcot. Series 2 was extremely popular, with over 2 million hits on BBC iPlayer. Series 3 regularly topped the BARB top ten children's shows during transmission.
Genre | Children's, Sci-Fi, Drama, Teen Drama, Adventure |
Starring | Abigail Hardingham, Karim Zeroual, Emily Sanderson, Grace Mandeville, Karene Peter (Series 2–3), Abbie Hayes, Gerran Howell, Oliver Bell (Series 1–2), Gia Lodge O'Meally (Series 3), Adam Scotland (Series 3), Stephanie Dale (Series 3), Oliver Dillon |
Composer(s) | Sheridan Tongue |
Country of origin | United Kingdom |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of series | 3 |
No. of episodes | 36 |
Executive producer(s) | Alison Hume, Stephen Smallwood |
Running time | 28 minutes |
Production company(s) | Sparticles Productions, Ingenious Broadcasting |
Original network | CBBC, BBC HD |
À propos de The Sparticle Mystery
When all the adults of the world mysteriously disappear, only kids under the age of 15 remain. The show ran for three seasons and aired a total of 36 episodes.
Réalisation de The Sparticle Mystery
Connor Ryan and Gerran Howell have both guest starred on the show.
Principaux faits que vous ne saviez pas sur The Sparticle Mystery
Teenage pregnancy in television.. British fantasy television series.
Dernières informations sur The Sparticle Mystery mis à jour le 28 Juillet, 2021.