Tom and Jerry is an American animated media franchise and series of comedy short films created in 1940 by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera. Best known for its 161 theatrical short films by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, the series centers on the rivalry between the titular characters of a cat named Tom and a mouse named Jerry. Many shorts also feature several recurring characters. In its original run, Hanna and Barbera produced 114 Tom and Jerry shorts for MGM from 1940 to 1958. During this time, they won seven Academy Awards for Best Animated Short Film, tying for first place with Walt Disney's Silly Symphonies with the most awards in the category. After the MGM cartoon studio closed in 1957, MGM revived the series with Gene Deitch directing an additional 13 Tom and Jerry shorts for Rembrandt Films from 1961 to 1962. Tom and Jerry then became the highest-grossing animated short film series of that time, overtaking Looney Tunes.
Réalisateur | William Hanna (1940–58), Joseph Barbera (1940–58), Gene Deitch (1961–62), Chuck Jones (1963–67), Maurice Noble (1964–67), Abe Levitow (1965–67), Tom Ray (1966–67), Ben Washam (1966–67) |
Produced by | Rudolf Ising (1940), Fred Quimby (1940–55), William Hanna (1955–58), Joseph Barbera (1955–58), William L. Snyder (1961–62), Chuck Jones (1963–67), Walter Bien (1963–65), Les Goldman (1963–67), Earl Jonas (1965–67) |
Writer(s) | William Hanna (1940–58), Joseph Barbera (1940–58), Gene Deitch (1961–62), Eli Bauer (1961–62), Larz Bourne (1961–62), Michael Maltese (1963–67), Jim Pabian (1965), Bob Ogle (1966–67), John W. Dunn (1965–67) |
Starring | Harry E. Lang, William Hanna, Red Coffee, Lillian Randolph, Billy Bletcher, Paul Frees, Daws Butler, Gene Deitch, Allen Swift, Mel Blanc |
Music | Scott Bradley (113 shorts), Edward Plumb (1 short), Steven Konichek (12 shorts), Eugene Poddany (20 shorts), Dean Elliott (8 shorts), Carl Brandt (2 shorts), Hoyt Curtin (16 shorts), Yvette Blais and Jeff Michael (15 shorts), Tom Worrall (39 shorts), Gary Lionelli (26 shorts), J. Eric Schmidt, Tom Erba (26 shorts), Vivek Maddala (124 shorts), David Ricard, John Van Tongeren |
Distributed by | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer |
Released | February 10, 1940 –, September 8, 1967 |
Running time | 6–10 minutes |
À propos de Tom and Jerry
William Hanna and Joseph Barbera created series of comedy shorts centered around a rivalry between Tom, a cat, and Jerry, a mouse. The original run lasted from 1940 to 1958 during which time it won seven Academy Awards for Animated Short Film.
Réalisation de Tom and Jerry
The first feature-length film based on the series, Tom and Jerry: The Movie, was released in 1992. Spin-off shows of the cartoon included The Tom and Jerry Show (1975), The Tom and Jerry Comedy Show (1980-82), The Tom and Jerry Show (2014) and others.
Principaux faits que vous ne saviez pas sur Tom and Jerry
Tom and Jerry Category.. Tom and Jerry filmography - This is a complete list of the 164 shorts in the Tom and Jerry series produced and released between 1940 and 2014. Of these, 162 are theatrical shorts, one is a made-for-TV short, and one is a 2-minute sketch shown as part of a telethon.. Golden age of American animation - The golden age of American animation was a period in the history of U.S. animation that began with the popularization of sound cartoons in 1928 and gradually ended in the late 1960s, where theatrical animated shorts began losing popularity to the newer medium of television animation, produced on.... Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer cartoon studio and MGM Animation/Visual Arts.. MGM cartoon characters.. Fictional rivalries.. Animated film series.. Surreal comedy.. Fictional anthropomorphic characters.. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer animated short films.. Animated duos.
Dernières informations sur Tom and Jerry mis à jour le 28 Juillet, 2021.