Whose Line Is It Anyway? is a short-form improvisational comedy show originating as a popular British radio programme, before moving to British television in 1988. Following the conclusion of the British run in 1999, ABC began airing an American version, which ran until 2007 and was later revived by The CW in 2013. Each version of the show consists of a panel of four performers who create characters, scenes, and songs on the spot, in the style of short-form improvisation games, many taken from theatresports. Topics for the games are based on either audience suggestions or predetermined prompts from the host. Both the British and the American shows ostensibly take the form of a game show with the host arbitrarily assigning points and likewise choosing a winner at the end of each episode. However, the show lacks the true stakes and competition of a game show. The "game show" format is simply part of the comedy.
Creator | Dan Patterson, Mark Leveson |
Original work | Whose Line Is It Anyway? (radio series) (1988) |
Owner | Hat Trick Productions |
Television series | Whose Line Is It Anyway? (British TV series) (1988–1999), Whose Line Is It Anyway? (American TV series) (1998–2007, 2013–present), Whose Line Is It Anyway? Australia (2016–2017), Shel Mi HaShura HaZot? (2000–2001, 2006–2007), De Lama's (2004–2008) |
Radio programs | Whose Line Is It Anyway? (1988) |
À propos de Whose Line is it Anyway?
Improv comedy show hosted by Drew Carey in which cast members and guests perform comedy sketches and games on the spot. The show was revived in 2013 by The CW with Aisha Tyler as host.
Réalisation de Whose Line is it Anyway?
The show has included a number of improv games such as Scenes from a hat, Let's Make a Date, and World's Worst. Colin Mochrie has appeared in every episode of the show as of 2017.
Principaux faits que vous ne saviez pas sur Whose Line is it Anyway?
Television franchises.
Dernières informations sur Whose Line is it Anyway? mis à jour le 28 Juillet, 2021.