MyMusic was an American web transmedia mockumentary sitcom created by the Fine Brothers that premiered on April 15, 2012 on the MyMusicShow YouTube channel. The series follows a group of co-workers that are employed under a music production company. MyMusic was the first transmedia sitcom on YouTube. The series was part of YouTube's Original Channel Initiative.
Genre | Transmedia sitcom |
Created by | Fine Brothers |
Starring | Adam Busch, Jack Douglass, Jarrett Sleeper, Mychal Thompson, Lainey Lipson, Grace Helbig, Chris Clowers, Tania Gunadi, Lee Newton |
Theme music composer | Craig Benzine |
Opening theme | "House of 1982, Built Like A Ship" by Driftless Pony Club |
Composer(s) | William Storkson |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 2 |
No. of episodes | 58 (Normal Episodes), 12 (Extended TV Length Episodes) |
Running time | Normal Episode: 5-12 minutes Extended TV Length Version: 30-40 minutes |
Production company(s) | Fine Brothers Entertainment |
Original network | YouTube |
Picture format | 1080p |
Informazioni su MyMusic
Transmedia mockumentary series that is part of the Fine Brothers long list of created series. The show follows co-workers employed at a music production company.
Realizzazione di MyMusic
Theme music for the show was provided by Craig Benzine, AKA WheezyWaiter. The series ended in January of 2014.
Top fatti che non sapevi su MyMusic
Transmedia storytelling.