MyMusic was an American web transmedia mockumentary sitcom created by the Fine Brothers that premiered on April 15, 2012 on the MyMusicShow YouTube channel. The series follows a group of co-workers that are employed under a music production company. MyMusic was the first transmedia sitcom on YouTube. The series was part of YouTube's Original Channel Initiative.
Genre | Transmedia sitcom |
Created by | Fine Brothers |
Starring | Adam Busch, Jack Douglass, Jarrett Sleeper, Mychal Thompson, Lainey Lipson, Grace Helbig, Chris Clowers, Tania Gunadi, Lee Newton |
Theme music composer | Craig Benzine |
Opening theme | "House of 1982, Built Like A Ship" by Driftless Pony Club |
Composer(s) | William Storkson |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 2 |
No. of episodes | 58 (Normal Episodes), 12 (Extended TV Length Episodes) |
Running time | Normal Episode: 5-12 minutes Extended TV Length Version: 30-40 minutes |
Production company(s) | Fine Brothers Entertainment |
Original network | YouTube |
Picture format | 1080p |
Transmedia mockumentary series that is part of the Fine Brothers long list of created series. The show follows co-workers employed at a music production company.
Theme music for the show was provided by Craig Benzine, AKA WheezyWaiter. The series ended in January of 2014.
Transmedia storytelling.