School of Rock is a 2003 comedy film directed by Richard Linklater, produced by Scott Rudin, and written by Mike White. The film stars Jack Black, Joan Cusack, Mike White, Sarah Silverman, and Miranda Cosgrove. Black plays struggling rock guitarist Dewey Finn, who is kicked out of his band and subsequently disguises himself as a substitute teacher at a prestigious prep school. After witnessing the talent of his students, Dewey forms a band of fifth-graders to attempt to win the upcoming Battle of the Bands and pay off his rent. School of Rock was released on October 3, 2003, by Paramount Pictures, grossing $131 million worldwide on a $35 million budget. The film received positive reviews from critics, with praise for Black's performance and humor. It was the highest grossing music-themed comedy of all time until 2015. A stage musical adaptation opened on Broadway in December 2015, and a television adaptation for Nickelodeon premiered on March 12, 2016.
Directeur | Richard Linklater |
Produced by | Scott Rudin |
Writer(s) | Mike White |
Starring | Jack Black, Joan Cusack, Mike White, Sarah Silverman, Miranda Cosgrove |
Music | Craig Wedren |
Cinematography | Rogier Stoffers |
Edited by | Sandra Adair |
Production, company | Scott Rudin Productions |
Distributed by | Paramount Pictures |
Released | October 03, 2003 |
Running time | 109 minutes |
Country | United States, Germany |
Language | English |
Budget | $35 million |
Box office | $131.3 million |
Netflix ID | 60031226 |
Over School of Rock
A substitute teacher turns his students into a rock n' roll band in this Richard Linklater directed film.
Prestaties van School of Rock
The name of the school in the film, Horace Green, is based of a prestigious school called Horace Mann located in Los Angeles, California, USA.
Top feiten die je niet wist over School of Rock
Films directed by Richard Linklater.. Films produced by Scott Rudin.. American rock music films.. Films set in schools.. Films about educators.. Films shot in New Jersey.
Laatste informatie over School of Rock bijgewerkt op 28 Juli 2021.