The Mighty Celt is a 2005 drama film set in Northern Ireland, written and directed by Pearse Elliott. It stars Gillian Anderson, Robert Carlyle, Sean McGinley, Ken Stott and Tyrone McKenna. It is centred on greyhound racing in a Catholic community after the intercommunal "Troubles" have ended but where their legacy remains strong. The film was well received in Ireland, with Gillian Anderson receiving an IFTA Award for Best International Actress. The film's title is based on the name of a comic book shown in the movie. The greyhound scenes were filmed at Ballyskeagh Greyhound track.
Directeur | Pearse Elliot |
Produced by | Robert Walpole, Paddy McDonald, Paddy Breathnach |
Starring | Gillian Anderson, Tyrone McKenna, Robert Carlyle, Ken Stott, Seán McGinley |
Music | Adrian Johnston |
Edited by | Dermot Diskin |
Production, company | BBC Films, Irish Film Board, Northern Ireland Film and Television Commission, Green Park Films, Treasure Entertainment |
Released | February 11, 2005 (Dublin), August 26, 2005 |
Running time | 82 minutes |
Country | Ireland, United Kingdom |
Language | English |
Over The Mighty Celt
Coming-of-age drama about a teenage boy who becomes involved in greyhound racing. The political climate of Ireland serves as the backdrop. Gillian Anderson received an IFTA Award for Best International Actress.
Prestaties van The Mighty Celt
The greyhound scenes were filmed at Ballyskeagh Greyhound track in Ireland.
Top feiten die je niet wist over The Mighty Celt
Films set in Northern Ireland.. Irish drama films.
Laatste informatie over The Mighty Celt bijgewerkt op 28 Juli 2021.