Our Beloved Summer is an ongoing South Korean romantic comedy television series. Billed as "Studio N's first original" series", it is directed by Kim Yoon-jin with screenplay by Lee Na-eun, starring Choi Woo-shik, Kim Da-mi, Kim Sung-cheol and Roh Jeong-eui. The series is a coming-of-age story about a couple who has broken up but are forced to come together again when a documentary they shot in high school goes viral. It premiered on SBS TV on December 6, 2021 and airs on Mondays and Tuesdays at 22:00. It is also available for streaming on Netflix.
Genre | Romantic comedy, Drama |
Created by | Studio N |
Developed by | Studio S (SBS), Plan Production |
Written by | Lee Na-eun |
Directed by | Kim Yoon-jin |
Starring | Choi Woo-shik, Kim Da-mi, Kim Sung-cheol, Roh Jeong-eui |
Country of origin | South Korea |
Original language(s) | Korean |
No. of episodes | 16 |
Running time | 60-70 minutes |
Production company(s) | Studio N, Super Moon Pictures |
Distributor | SBS, Netflix |
Original network | SBS TV |
Audio format | Dolby Digital |
Over Our Beloved Summer
After filming a viral documentary as high school students, a pair of former lovers are put back in front of a camera together. The series was written by Lee Na-eun for Studio N.
Prestaties van Our Beloved Summer
The series' popularity led to the production of a spin off web toon. The production is Studio N's first scripted drama series.
Top feiten die je niet wist over Our Beloved Summer
Seoul Broadcasting System television dramas.
Laatste informatie over Our Beloved Summer bijgewerkt op 04 Januari 2022.