Our Beloved Summer is an ongoing South Korean romantic comedy television series. Billed as "Studio N's first original" series", it is directed by Kim Yoon-jin with screenplay by Lee Na-eun, starring Choi Woo-shik, Kim Da-mi, Kim Sung-cheol and Roh Jeong-eui. The series is a coming-of-age story about a couple who has broken up but are forced to come together again when a documentary they shot in high school goes viral. It premiered on SBS TV on December 6, 2021 and airs on Mondays and Tuesdays at 22:00. It is also available for streaming on Netflix.
Genre | Romantic comedy, Drama |
Created by | Studio N |
Developed by | Studio S (SBS), Plan Production |
Written by | Lee Na-eun |
Directed by | Kim Yoon-jin |
Starring | Choi Woo-shik, Kim Da-mi, Kim Sung-cheol, Roh Jeong-eui |
Country of origin | South Korea |
Original language(s) | Korean |
No. of episodes | 16 |
Running time | 60-70 minutes |
Production company(s) | Studio N, Super Moon Pictures |
Distributor | SBS, Netflix |
Original network | SBS TV |
Audio format | Dolby Digital |
О Тейлор Our Beloved Summer
After filming a viral documentary as high school students, a pair of former lovers are put back in front of a camera together. The series was written by Lee Na-eun for Studio N.
Достижении Our Beloved Summer
The series' popularity led to the production of a spin off web toon. The production is Studio N's first scripted drama series.
Топ-факты о Our Beloved Summer, которые вы не знали
Seoul Broadcasting System television dramas.
Последняя информация о Our Beloved Summer обновлена 04 Январь, 2022.