Ryan's Hope is an American soap opera created by Claire Labine and Paul Avila Mayer, originally airing for 13 years on ABC from July 7, 1975 to January 13, 1989. It revolves around the trials and tribulations within a large Irish-American family in the Washington Heights neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City.
Created by | Claire Labine, Paul Avila Mayer |
Starring | Helen Gallagher, Bernard Barrow, Michael Levin, Kate Mulgrew, Ilene Kristen, Ron Hale, Nancy Addison Altman, John Gabriel, Louise Shaffer, Earl Hindman, Malcolm Groome, Karen Morris-Gowdy, Cali Timmins |
Country of origin | United States |
No. of seasons | 13 |
No. of episodes | 3,515 |
Executive producer(s) | Claire Labine (1975–82), Paul Avila Mayer (1975–82), Ellen Barrett (1982–83), Joseph Hardy (1983–88), Felicia Minei Behr (1988–89) |
Running time | 30 minutes (1975–1989) |
Production company(s) | Labine-Mayer Productions (1975–1980), American Broadcasting Companies (1980-1989) |
Original network | ABC |
Related shows | General Hospital |
О Тейлор Ryan's Hope
Soap opera revolving around the lives of a large Irish-American family in the Washington Heights neighborhood of Manhattan.
Достижении Ryan's Hope
The series finale aired on January 13, 1989, after 3515 episodes.
Топ-факты о Ryan's Hope, которые вы не знали
Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Drama Series winners.. Television series by Disney–ABC Domestic Television.. American television soap operas.