О Тейлор A Star Is Born

As a film star combats his alcoholism and his aging, he helps a younger musician rise to fame. The film is the third remake of the original 1937 film of the same name.

Достижении A Star Is Born

Брадлеы Цоопер wrote, produced, directed and stars in the film. The film was shot in Los Angeles, California. 

Топ-факты о A Star Is Born, которые вы не знали

A Star Is Born (1976 film) A 1976 American musical romantic drama film about a young singer who meets and falls in love with.... A Star Is Born (1954 film) A 1954 American musical film written by Moss Hart, starring Judy Garland and James Mason, and.... A Star Is Born (1937 film) A 1937 American Technicolor romantic drama film produced by David O. Selznick, directed by...

Последняя информация о A Star Is Born обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.